• Apr 11 Wed 2012 23:42
  • 孃王

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孃王簡介年輕貌美的女大學生藤崎彩為了替父親償債,退學下海從事俱樂部女公關。為贏得六本木第一紅牌「孃王」的稱號及五千萬的獎金,藤崎彩決定要用一顆真誠的心,努力學習當個稱職的俱樂部公關,但同樣要來爭取「孃王」稱號的眾多女公關們,卻是各個花招百出,一場華麗夜生活的激戰就此展開序幕...。 感想這是我看的第一部深夜日劇,內容蠻普通的,沒有什麼創新,難怪很多人都說不好看。

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改造野豬妹簡介隱藏真正的自我,在學校假扮成人見人愛大紅人的2年B班桐谷修二(龜梨和也飾),同學都很倚賴他,可說是班上的領袖人物。而最讓修二感到頭痛的,就是同班的草野彰(山下智久飾)。彰優柔寡斷又瘋瘋癲癲的,算是班上的特異人物,不過卻很愛纏著修二。一天,修二班上轉來一個女生小谷信子(堀北真希飾),外表看起來邋遢,而且還讓人覺得很陰沉,是個和開朗的修二完全相反的少女。信子剛轉來學校,馬上就成為班上同學欺負的對象,而且情況越演越烈,班上氣氛也被搞得很糟糕。為了讓信子不再被欺負,修二和彰決定將信子改造成全校的大紅人,不過這個任務可不是件簡單的差事… 感想嗯~蠻好看的日劇,有歡笑、有淚水、有堅定的友情,裡面的高中生活也蠻貼近我們的現實狀況。看完後,我也會去回想我高中時的生活,想當初高中生活真的是酸甜苦辣,多采多姿的生活呀,真是令人懷念。另外,我一直相信裡面的一句話,就是「人是可以改變的」,只要下定決心,加上外在環境的輔助(例如劇中的同學就是外在環境的輔助),我相信這是有可能的。

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夏綠蒂的網簡介描述一隻小豬發現世上最偉大的力量是堅定不移的友誼。韋柏是一隻原本要被主人丟棄,毫不起眼的小豬,其它的農莊動物都覺得他太天真也太傻了,除了住在屋椽的蜘蛛夏綠蒂以外,只有夏綠蒂把他當成一個好朋友。 當其他的農莊動物說出韋伯即將面臨遭到屠宰的命運之後,似乎只有奇蹟出現才能救他一命,但是夏綠蒂決心拯救韋柏一命。她在她的蜘蛛網上織出一句話,說服農莊主人是一隻「了不起的豬」,值得讓他活下去。 感想這個電影就像是一個小故事,不過裡面堅定不移的友誼,我真的很欣賞,因為我本身也是一個很重友情的人。雖然內容有一點短,但是拍的蠻不錯,適合各年齡層觀看。

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September 11th, 2006A Montenegrin Special Anti-terrorist Unit officer stands behind machine guns on display with weapons, uniforms and other material recently seized by police, during a police news conference in Podgorica, Monday, Sept. 11, 2006. Police said Monday 12 ethnic Albanians were arrested Saturday in the southern border village of Tuzi, including two U.S. citizens and two who live in the U.S., because they "planned terrorist attacks" on the day of the vote. (AP Photo/Srdjan Ilic)

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好吃的牛肉麵在此喔!紅燒濃郁清燉爽口,還有風味獨特的百香果拌青木瓜~ 今天早上到台中育嬰院幫Joy 代課,順便讓愛徒mindy隨班觀摩艾蜜莉上課實戰 的方式,下課後因為二妹家就住在附近,剛好我們都有東西要拿給對方,所以 就請mindy送我過去找二妹囉! 二妹昨天就說要帶我去吃ㄧ家很好吃的牛肉麵,因為毛老師金盆洗手不在賣牛 肉麵後,我正在扼脕不吃該去哪裡吃好吃的牛肉麵!結果今天吃到啦!真的很 讚喔!麵條Q(不像湖南味的麵條一下子就糊掉了),湯頭好,更重要的是: 牛肉的肉質也很好!搭配起來真是上上之選! 東佳牛肉麵店址:台中市西區公館路265號 (五權五街 & 五權路路口交會處附近)電話:04-23756272營業時間:AM 11:00 ~ PM 2:00 / PM 5:00 ~ PM 8:00※星期六固定公休 今天我二妹的小兒子因為補假,所以也跟我們一起去吃麵,結果這個楞小子 麵一來就急著撈肉吃,不小心燙著了,肉也掉了,真是可惜!後來上我的麵 時,因為我跟外生點一樣的清燉牛肉麵,好心的老闆竟然就多補給我們一塊牛 肉!真是感恩哪!真是個會做人;又會做生意的老闆耶! 有機會到那附近,大家不妨去嘗嘗看喔!

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December 1/2, 2007A member of the US Army Parachute Demonstration team the "Golden Knights" jumps into the stadium before the start of the 108th annual Army Navy football game in Baltimore, Md. Dec 1, 2007. Members of the Navy Leap Frogs parachute team separate before landing at the start of the 108th Army versus Navy football game in Baltimore, Maryland, December 1, 2007. REUTERS/Tim Shaffer (UNITED STATES) A member of the Navy Leap Frogs parachute team lands on the field at the start of the 108th Army versus Navy football game in Baltimore, Maryland December 1, 2007. REUTERS/Tim Shaffer But both sides claimed victory in the battle, in which several government armoured vehicles were destroyed.The Danes will leave Iraq December 19th after four years, when the last helicopter mission will be conducted observing Iraqi soil from above. Lt Col S. Jessen, commander of the Danish unit in Iraq, says that there is no doubt that the British forces in the area are pleased with the work of the Danish helicopter crews, that escorts British convoys and can detect ambushes or other threats. The Danish unit consists of four Fennec helicopters, and a crew of 55 people. They fly two to three missions a day. The last Danish ground troops left Iraq in August. The Norwegian Defence Forces reports that the 20 year old soldier that got severely wounded in the IED attack in Afghanistan on November 8th, have had his left leg amputated. The attack killed 22 year old Sørli Jørgensen. But despite the circumstances, he is recovering well and have been moved from the Ullevål University Hospital, to medical care closer to his home. Luckily the German surgeon Herbert Port were in the camp nearby at the time, and could stop the severe bleeding. The attack sparked a heated debate in Norway about the lack of doctors in Afghanistan. The Norwegian General Major Leif Sverre Rosén claims that he was pressed to resign, after saying that the security situation was so bad, that he wouldn't send his own son to Afghanistan. Spanish police arrested more than 40 people convicted of aiding the armed Basque separatist group ETA through a network of ostensibly legitimate social and political organizations. Elena Beloki, former director of international relations of the outlawed Batasuna Party, was taken away by a masked police officer in San Sebastian. Photo: Vincent West/Reuters Philippine National Police Special Action Force members guard one of the gates of the National police headquarters in Manila, 30 November 2007, a day after Philippine troops stormed the hotel in a flurry ofs gunfire and tear gas that forced the surrender of a band of renegade soldiers who were demanding that President Gloria Arroyo step down. The Philippine media derided the failed rebellion by a band of rebel soldiers who seized a luxury hotel before being forced to surrender after an army raid hours later. AFP PHOTO/JEZ AZNAR (Photo credit should read JES AZNAR/AFP/***** Images) Armed policemen on motorcycles patrol the area around a luxury Hotel in Manila's financial district of Makati 30 November 2007 a day after Philippine troops stormed the hotel in a flurry of gunfire and tear gas that forced the surrender of a band of renegade soldiers who were demanding that President Gloria Arroyo step down Romanian anti-terrorist troops march during Romania's national day military parade in Bucharest Helicopter gunships fly over during Romania's national day military parade in Bucharest. A member of Russia's special police keeps guard as his colleague carries sacks of confiscated drugs that are to be destroyed in Barnaul in the Altai region November 30, 2007. Police in Barnaul destroyed some 160 kg of heroin on Friday, which had been confiscated during a number of recent operations, local media reported

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混的等級混王:「什麼!下禮拜要考數學?」 混仙:「什麼!明天要考數學?」 混霸:「什麼!下一節要考數學?」 混神:「什麼!剛剛考的是數學?」 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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要不要動動看?(黃色)*要不要動動看* 男士俯身彎腰,看著正用雙手幫忙扒開的小姐,低聲親切的問 :「進去了沒?」 這時小姐雙手放開了,說 : 「沒問題,進去了。」 「會痛嗎 ?」男的小聲的說著。 「真好,一點也不。」女的很高興的回應著。 「要不要動動看 ?」男的體貼地說。 女的果真動了動,愉快的回答道 : 「哦!太好了,我從來沒有感到這麼舒服的了,碰到你,是第一次。 你看它軟硬適中,大小剛好。這種感覺真是太美好不過了, 真的很感謝你。」 那男士隨口說著 : 「不用謝我,那是應該的。這麼說,我們就搞定了!」 女的迫不及待的要求說 : 「是呀!但請你的動作要快些,我等不及,沒時間了。」 兩分鐘後,櫃檯把包裝好的皮鞋送到這位小姐的手中,她付款後高興的離開了 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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如果你有這個動作.就代表妳喜歡上他(她)了!1.會很想看到他.. 2.看到他會害羞.. 3.非常注意他的舉動.. 4.當他跟別的異姓很好時,妳會不爽. 5.想隨時和他在一起.. 6.這些舉動妳有了嗎? 7.愛一個人沒有過錯.. 8.情人是要靠緣分的.. 9.要找情人就看時機.. 10.來到時要好好珍惜.. 11.了解了嗎!! 注意看第7.行的第一個字喔!! .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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端午後的陽光 另一個她,一顰一笑都讓我想起妳~ 積水未退,映照著端午後的陽光, 暖暖詔告著夏季的到來。 一杯香醇的黑咖啡,繽紛綻放的奶油花,輕柔漂落的肉桂粉... 肉桂漂浮摩卡,外加一條SNICKERS, 也是週日加班的良伴。 夏天到了?我初春的融雪都還未踏過~ .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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